A Lesson for All Parents: The Guardianship Fight for Emani After Her Father's Untimely Death
In the aftermath of rapper Nipsey Hussle’s murder this March, his family and ex-girlfriend were locked in a bitter battle for custody of one of his young children. And as this ugly drama played out in the courtroom and tabloids, it highlighted the single most costly estate-planning mistake a parent can make.
Hussle, 34, whose given name was Ermias Ashgedom, was gunned down outside his South Los Angeles clothing store in March. His alleged killer, Eric Holder, was arrested and indicted for murder a few days later. The rapper’s death is particularly tragic, as his debut album, Victory Lap, was recently nominated for a Grammy Award.
Yet even more tragic is what’s happening to Hussle’s kids. Because Hussle never named legal guardians, the decision of who would raise his two children—daughter Emani, 10, and son Kross, 2—was left to the court.
In addition to not naming guardians for his kids, Hussle also failed to create a will, which makes their guardianship even more contentious. Hussle’s estate is estimated to be worth $2 million, and under California law, in the absence of a will, that money is to be split equally between his two kids.
Given that both children are minors, however, they’re ineligible to access their inheritance until they reach the age of majority. This means that whoever would ultimately win guardianship of the children would likely also gain control over their money.
Caught in the middle
Guardianship of Hussle’s son Kross was not a source of conflict. Kross’s mother is actress Lauren London, who was Hussle’s longtime girlfriend, and Kross had been living with London at the time of his father’s death. She petitioned the court for her son’s guardianship, and the court granted her guardianship of Kross.
Who would be awarded guardianship of Hussle’s daughter Emani, however, was far less clear.
Since the day of the shooting, Hussle’s sister, Samantha Smith, had been caring for Emani, who was living with her father when he was killed. Following Hussle’s shooting, Smith petitioned the court to obtain Emani’s guardianship. But Emani’s mother, Tanisha Foster, an old girlfriend of Hussle’s, was also seeking guardianship.
Though Foster and Hussle shared custody of Emani, at the time of the rapper’s death, Hussle’s ex had reportedly not seen the child in months. Yet Foster claimed that Emani was just visiting her dad on the day he was killed and that Smith and the rest of Hussle’s family are refusing to return her.
Smith and Hussle’s family contended that Foster was unfit to raise the child due to her criminal past. Foster has a criminal record dating back to 2006, and recently had a warrant out for her arrest after skipping a court hearing for a DUI charge.
Yet Foster claimed that her criminal history is irrelevant, and that as Emani’s mother, she’s the one who should be named as guardian. She also claimed that Smith unlawfully took custody of her daughter on the day of Hussle’s shooting.
Don’t leave your child’s life in a judge’s hands
As Hussle’s case so dramatically demonstrates, your death can strike at any time, so if you’re the parent of minor children, it’s imperative that you select and legally document long-term guardians for your kids. In fact, naming guardians for your children should be your number one planning priority.
The fact that Hussle didn’t create a will is obviously another terrible mistake. But when it comes to your children’s lives, all the money in the world is meaningless in comparison. Hussle’s failure to name legal guardians, and the whole ugly mess of the guardianship fight, could have been avoided.
As we’re seeing with Hussle, leaving it up to the court to name guardians for your kids
can lead to conflict, as otherwise well-meaning family members fight one another over custody. This process is not only costly, but it can be terribly traumatizing for everyone involved, especially your kids.
Hussle’s case also shows how agonizingly slow this process often is. There were numerous court hearings related to Emani’s custody after her father’s death in March, and it took until an October hearing to finally decide her fate. These custody battles often drag on for years, making the lawyers wealthy, while your kids are stuck in the middle.
But the most tragic consequence of Hussle’s failure to name legal guardians is that a judge was the one who decided who’s best suited to care for his kids.
Though we can’t be sure exactly who Hussle would have wanted to raise Emani, it’s almost certain he wouldn’t have wanted a total stranger to make that decision for him. Yet, because he didn’t take the time to document legal guardians, that’s exactly what happened.
Kids Protection Plan®
As your Personal Family Lawyer®, helping you select and legally document long-term guardians for your children is one of my specialties. The founder of the Personal Family Lawyer® program, Alexis Katz, wrote a best-selling book on the subject titled Wear Clean Underwear!: A Fast, Fun, Friendly and Essential Guide to Legal Planning for Busy Parents.
As a mother and one of the country’s leading estate-planning experts for families, Alexis was shocked to discover that the plan she created for her own daughter under the traditional planning model would have left her child at risk of being taken into the care of strangers if anything happened to her and her husband. To address this gap in her plan, Alexis created a unique system known as the Kids Protection Plan®.
The system is a comprehensive methodology to guide you step-by step through the process of legally documenting guardians for your kids, for the short-term, long-term, and so much more. As a Personal Family Lawyer®, I’ve been trained to support you to put in place the Kids Protection Plan® for your minor children and/or children with special needs.
Get started immediately
Because naming legal guardians for your kids is so critical, you can’t afford to wait to get the process started. That’s why I’ve created an easy-to-use (and absolutely free) Kids Protection Plan® website you can visit right now to create legal documents naming the long-term guardians you’d want to care for your children if you could not.
If you have minor children—or children with long-term special needs—living at home, you should immediately use this resource, or contact me directly, to get started. Then schedule a follow-up visit with me to put a full Kids Protection Plan® in place. The numerous resources offered in the full plan go far beyond just naming long-term legal guardians.
The Kids Protection Plan® also lets you grant the people you choose (along with backups) the legal authority to temporarily care for your children, until the long-term guardians can be located and formally named by the court. And you’re also able to confidentially, but in writing, exclude any person you know you’d never want to raise your kids.
Indeed, the full Kids Protection Plan® offers a broad array of protective measures and materials designed to provide for the well-being, care, and love of your kids no matter what happens. Meet with us as your Personal Family Lawyer® today to ensure that your children and family never fall victim to the same tragic circumstances as Hussle’s.
This article is a service of Timothy J. Scott, Personal Family Lawyer®. I don’t just draft documents; I ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That's why I offer a Family Wealth Planning Session™, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling my office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.