Do Your Homework to Ensure Your Kids Are Properly Cared for No Matter What Happens
It’s back-to-school time again, and when it comes to estate planning, you may have homework to do. As a parent, your most critical—and often overlooked—task is to select and legally document guardians for your minor children. Guardians are people legally named to care for your children in the event of your death or incapacity.
If you haven’t done that yet, you should immediately do so using my easy-to-use (and absolutely free) website, where you can create legal documents naming the long-term guardians you’d want to care for your children if you could not:
Don’t think just because you’ve named godparents or have grandparents living nearby that’s enough. You must name guardians in a legal document or risk creating conflict and a long, expensive court process for your loved ones—and this can be so easily avoided.
Covering all your bases
However, naming permanent guardians is just one step in protecting your kids. It’s equally important to have someone (plus backups) with documented authority, who can stay with your children until the long-term guardians can be located and formally named by the court, which can take months.
The last thing you want is for police to show up at your home and find your children with a caregiver who doesn’t have documented or legal authority to stay with them and doesn’t have any idea how to contact someone with such authority. In such a case, police would have no choice but to call Child Protective Services.
Closing the gap
This is a major hole in many parent’s estate plans, as I know you’d never want your kids in the care of strangers, even for a short time. To fix this, I’ve created a comprehensive system called the Kids Protection Plan®, which lets you name temporary guardians who have immediate documented authority to care for your children until the long-term guardians you ‘ve appointed can be notified and get to your children.
The Kids Protection Plan® also includes specific instructions that are given to everyone entrusted with your children’s care, explaining how to contact your short and long-term guardians. The plan also ensures everyone named by you has the legal documents they’d need on hand and knows exactly what to do if called upon. I even provide you with an ID card for your wallet and emergency instructions to post on your refrigerator, so the contacts and process are prominently available in case something happens to you.
A foolproof plan
With the Kids Protection Plan®, you’ll name one permanent guardian and one temporary guardian, along with two or more backups, in case the primary isn’t available or cannot serve. And instruct caregivers to wait to call the police if you cannot be reached until one of the named guardians arrives and is present with your children.
Finally, if there’s anyone you’d never want raising your children, I will confidentially document that in the plan, preventing them from wasting the time, energy, and assets of the people you do want caring for your children.
With me as your Personal Family Lawyer®, you have access to the entire Kids Protection Plan® system to ensure the well-being of your children no matter what. As your kids head back to school, do your homework by contacting me today.
This article is a service of Timothy J. Scott, Personal Family Lawyer®. I don’t just draft documents; I ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That's why I offer a Family Wealth Planning Session™, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling my office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.