Minnesota Estate Planning That Will Help You Get Your Affairs in Order

Timothy J. Scott's Blog

Posts tagged sickness
The Real Cost to Your Family of Not Planning for Incapacity

When it comes to estate planning, most people automatically think about taking legal steps to ensure the right people inherit their stuff when they die. And these people aren’t wrong.

Putting strategies in place to protect and pass on your wealth and other assets is a fundamental part of the planning equation. However, providing for the proper distribution of your assets upon your death is just one part of the process.

And it’s not even the most critical part.

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Luke Perry’s Death Demonstrates the Importance of Planning for Incapacity

In late February, Luke Perry, who became famous starring in the 1990s TV series Beverly Hills 90210, suffered a massive stroke at age 52. He was hospitalized under heavy sedation, and five days later, when it became clear he wouldn’t recover, his family decided to remove life support.

His incapacity and death at a young age provide an opportunity to learn how we can protect our loved ones in the case of our own incapacity or death.

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