Minnesota Estate Planning That Will Help You Get Your Affairs in Order

Timothy J. Scott's Blog

Posts tagged irrevocable trust
Why Putting Your Family Home in a Trust Is a Smart Move - Part 1

If you are like many homeowners, your home is likely your family’s most valuable and treasured asset. In light of this, you want to plan wisely to ensure your home will pass to your heirs in the most efficient and safe manner possible when you die or in the event you become incapacitated by illness or injury.

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How to Avoid the Need For a Prenuptial Agreement (Part 2)

Prenups aren’t your only option for planning before your wedding. With proactive estate planning, for example, you can structure your assets in such a way that not only protects them from being lost to divorce, but also provides for both your future spouse and any children you may have from a previous marriage in the event of your death or incapacity.

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