Minnesota Estate Planning That Will Help You Get Your Affairs in Order

Timothy J. Scott's Blog

Posts tagged taxes
Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 1

Unless you’ve created a proper estate plan, when you die many of your assets must first pass through the court process known as probate before those assets can be distributed to your heirs. Like most court proceedings, probate can be time-consuming, costly, and open to the public, and because of this, avoiding probate—and keeping your family out of court—is a central goal of most estate plans.

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With Tax Laws in Flux: What Should You Do Now?

If you’ve been following the news about the proposed spending plan and the coming changes, you know that none of us know what will ultimately happen—or even when we will know the final outcome. I am tracking the tax law changes, so you don’t need to—I know you’ve got far more important things to focus on in your life. Here I lay out what you need to do now to prepare for the possible change in our tax laws.

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